Welcome to Jordan's Blog. We have set this up so that family and friends can read up on Jordan's adventures in Argentina. We invite you to stop in now and then to catch up on Jordan's news.
ELDER JORDAN A. NELSON Argentina Resistencia Mission Entre Rios 435 Resistencia, Chaco CP 3500 Argentina
Elder Jordan Nelson
June-July 2011
Companion- Elder Ruiz from Mexico
May-June 2011
Companion-Elder Moore from South Carolina
March to May 2011
COMPANION-Elder Posadas from El Salvador
Jan. 2011-March 2011
Companion-Elder Kennedy from Southern California
4th AREA -Dec. 2010-Present
COMPANION-Elder McCroby from North Ogden, Utah
WHERE HE IS-In Corrientes the capital of the province of Corrientes.
ABOUT THE AREA-The province of Corrientes is situated across the Parana River from the province of Resistencia. It is surrounded on all four sides by rivers. These four rivers separate Corrientes from the countries of Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay. The landscape consists of flat plains ideal for raising thousands of cattle. They also have the highest citrus production with other important products being, lumber, leather goods, rice, herbs and tobacco. This is also the area where the legendary gauchos or cowboys originate. The most famous of which is Gauchito Gil (Little Gaucho Gil). A Robin Hood of sorts who lived in the 1800's.
CLIMATE-is subtropical with no dry season. It's hot and humid, with annual temperatures between 70 degrees F and 100 degrees F. Hardly any fluctuation in temperature and it rarely freezes.
3rd AREA-July 2010-Dec.2010
Companion-Elder Castro from Argentina, Elder Zimmerman from American Fork, Utah
WHERE HE IS--In northern part of Resistencia
CURRENT SEASON--Winter-Around April thru Sept. Summer-Around Sept-April
2nd AREA-Dec. 2009-July 2010
COMPANION-Elder Campos from Chili, Elder Blacker from Idaho
WHERE HE IS-Southern Resistencia is a city in the northern part of Argentina and is the capital of the Chaco province. It is located near a tributary of the Parana River. The Parana River separates the Chaco and Corrientes provinces. Resistencia is a commercial and transportation center and a major crossroad for Paraquay. Goods manufactured in Resistencia food, textiles, metal, wood and leather. The most important social event is the biennial woodcarving contest, celebrated every two years through one entire week in July.
FIRST AREA Nov-Dec2009
COMPANION-Elder Jeria from Chili
WHERE HE IS-Goya located in the province of Corrientes. Lies on the eastern shore of the Parana River. Corrientes has about 87,000 inhabitants and is surrounded by rivers that separate it from the countries of Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay. This area is also where the legendary gauchos, or cowboys, originate. The city of Goya hosts the National Festival of the Surubi (a fishing contest) every year. Surubi is a popular large catfish of the Parana River.
CLIMATE- Is subtropical, without a dry season. It is hot and humid with the annual temp. between 70 degrees F and 100 degrees F.
As you all know, Argentina is a very big soccer country. The picture at the right is a professional soccer arena. On his day off Jordan was able to play soccer here. Jordan is pictured here with his companion Elder Campos (right) and another missionary standing in the arena field. Jordan wrote this about what he observed in his area during the World Cup, "Here is another story about the World Cup (el mundial). When Argentina plays in the World Cup it basically turns into a national holiday. If you go to school you watch it there. And if you choose to stay home and watch it with your family...you do not need a note from home saying what you are doing..nope, most teachers just say if you don't come tomorrow I won't mark you absent. And very few people work. The buses still run but that is about it." Jordan also said that when Argentina scored or won there was much shouting in the streets.
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